We Accept Most Health Insurance
Many of the services provided in our office are covered and paid for by your insurance company. As a courtesy to our patients we will send claims to your in-network insurer for processing. All services are rendered to our patients -- not their insurance companies -- therefore all charges are the financial responsibility of the insured, not the insurance company regardless of your insurance coverage.
We expect your insurance to process and pay claims within thirty days of receipt and, if this has not occurred, we may ask for your assistance to rectify any delays in processing or payment.
As per our contractual agreement with your insurer, payment of insurance co-payments as detailed by your insurance plan benefits is required at the time of your visit. Failure to pay your co-payment will incur a $10 surcharge on your account.
Upon receipt of an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) by our office, co-insurance, deductibles and any responsible party balances will be due immediately (see Payment & Credit Card Policies). You will not be billed for contractual allowances.
We expect your insurance to process and pay claims within thirty days of receipt and, if this has not occurred, we may ask for your assistance to rectify any delays in processing or payment.
As per our contractual agreement with your insurer, payment of insurance co-payments as detailed by your insurance plan benefits is required at the time of your visit. Failure to pay your co-payment will incur a $10 surcharge on your account.
Upon receipt of an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) by our office, co-insurance, deductibles and any responsible party balances will be due immediately (see Payment & Credit Card Policies). You will not be billed for contractual allowances.
At present, we have participation contracts* with the following insurance companies:
*It is the absolute responsibility of the insured (member) or the parent using the insurance policy to
know their own coverage benefits and eligibility in addition to whether our office is a participant in their specific plan.
know their own coverage benefits and eligibility in addition to whether our office is a participant in their specific plan.
Please refer to your insurance plan guide, website or call your insurance plan customer service agent regarding questions you may have pertaining to plan participation, benefits and eligibility.